Best sellers
- Amplifiers, Stimulators, Data Acquisition, Electrophysiology
- Anesthesia Animal Systems
- MEA MED64 - PolyAn nanotechnology
- Animal Surgery & PreClinical tools
- AntiVibration & Optical tables
- Behavioral Cognitive & Neuroscience
- Bioscience Tools
- Brain Slice Chamber Recording
- Software & 3D printers
- Micromanipulators & Tools Narishige, L&N, Marzhauser
- Noise Eliminator, electrical interference
- Surgical Micro-dissecting animal
- Chopper Tissue - Vibroslice
- Microforges - Grinders - Pullers
- TERMS OF SALE - Privacy - Warranty
- Stereotaxic manual & Micropositioners
- AntiVibration & Optical tables
- Syringe Pumps Programmable/Infusion
- Peristaltic Pumps
- Perfusion Systems
- Micro-Pressure Injection Systems
- Fluorescence, Bioimaging, Chemi-luminescence
- Microscopes/Imaging Tools ZEBRAFISH
- EAG Chemoreception Insect Electrophysiology
- GEIGER Radiation & Gas Detectors
- Miscellaneous for Labs
- Neural Probes NeuroNexus
- Optogenetic Wireless Stimulator-LED Array System
- Nevrotech neural recording & optogenetic stimulation
- Micromanipulators Luigs & Neumann solutions
- Partnerships
- D.P.I. personal safety devices
- Cell Biology line products
- DXA (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry)
- E-Vape, Inhalation, Alcohol Vapor, and Drug Dependency
- Environmental Monitoring Services for Animal Facilities
- MAZES for different Species
- E-Commerce
- Material Testing Equipment
- PolyAn "Molecular Surface Engineering" (MSE)
KF Technology, on the scientific research market since 1990, develops and distributes equipment, systems and services for scientific research. Our activity is mainly oriented towards the scientific, medical and industrial sectors.
The Neurophysiology Division distributes a wide range of scientific, international and leader brands Systems Physiology Instruments, including stimulators, intra- and extracellular amplifiers, and patch-clamp, electrodes, insulated wires and capillary tubing.
Pediatric Basic Life Support
Corso di formazione teorico-pratico di quattro ore secondo le linee guida internazionali IRC-Simeup
Fornire le conoscenze teoriche e pratiche per eseguire al bambino da zero a otto anni l’assistenza e la rianimazione di base in presenza di arresto cardiorespiratorio e di ostruzione delle vie aeree da corpo estraneo e in caso di necessità intervenire con l’uso del defibrillatore.
Il supporto di base delle funzioni vitali in età pediatrica permette al soccorritore occasionale di intervenire senza strumenti, farmaci o altri presidi.